A masked blind man in a flat cap with a white cane speaks into a microphone in front of a research poster

New CDCI Research

The Vermonter Poll

We polled 632 Vermonters to learn how much they agreed with four statements:

  • People with disabilities have the same quality of life as people without disabilities.
  • People with disabilities can contribute to Vermont’s labor force the same as people without disabilities.
  • Students with disabilities benefit from being in the same classrooms as students without disabilities.
  • Students without disabilities benefit from being in the same classrooms as students with disabilities.

And we learned that Vermonters with different types of disabilities have different attitudes to disability.

  • 65% of Vermonters surveyed DISAGREE with the statement that people with disabilities have the same quality of life.
  • 72% AGREE that people with disabilities contribute equally to the workforce
  • 74% of Vermonters with no disabilities AGREE that students WITHOUT disabilities benefit from being in the same classroom as students with disabilities.
  • 79% of Vermonters with functional disabilities AGREED that students WITH disabilities benefit from being in the same classroom as students without disabilities.

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