CDCI is home to UVM’s Disability Studies certificate: earn a powerful professional credential to supplement your existing work focus in just one year.

Supporting people with disabilities in accessing and thriving in their communities since 1974.
We believe in and work towards a diverse and vibrant future with, for, and by people with disabilities in Vermont.
CDCI is home to UVM’s Disability Studies certificate: earn a powerful professional credential to supplement your existing work focus in just one year.
CDCI conducts research with Vermonters with disabilities, and shares their own and other research in plain language, audio, and video.
CDCI is home to more than 30 disability service projects, such as the Vermont I-Team, The BEST Project, the Vermont Continence Project, and many more.
CDCI produces stories by Vermonters with disabilities, hosts disability-related events, and helps spread disability news from around the state.
New CDCI Research
And we learned that Vermonters with different types of disabilities have different attitudes to disability.
Looking for a disability-related service in Vermont? CDCI is home to more than 20 projects that provide services.
CDCI also collaborates with other Vermont disability advocacy organizations in serving Vermonters with disabilities.
Featuring stories told by Vermonters with disabilities, about their experiences, opinions, and lives in Vermont — the Green Mountain State.
Upcoming CDCI Events