FY23 Annual Report: ACADEMICS
Academics Results
1. Partner with people from diverse backgrounds to teach.
- Nicole Villemaire continues as teaching assistant.
- Sefakor Komabu-Pomeyie teaching Global Disabilities course.
- Sharing our curriculum with University of Cape Coast in Ghana.
2. Improve accessibility of online teaching at UVM.
- Worked with UVM to advocate for accessible online teaching.
- Working with SILC to update Include!
- Special Education master’s program moving online. Use what was learned to help improve SILC curriculum.
3. Support career development through courses and internships.
- Focus of newly designed micro-certificate.
- Exploring online certificates and credentials.
- CDCI hired an autistic UVM student who took the Culture of Disability as our summer intern. They worked on transcribing videos, writing a plain-language research summary and collaborating on a Think College Vermont news story.
- We submitted an NIH research grant to create a new curriculum: Dating and Sexual Education to Address Social Challenges of Autistic Young Adults
- Winnie is Faculty Advisor for a new student group in the medical school: the Disabilities in Medicine Student Interest Group.
• 13 Think College students enrolled, 5 graduated.
• 79 UVM students took disability studies courses this year.
• 3 Disability Studies courses offered.