My Graphic Organizers


by Autism Association of Western Australia

2:16 Nice overview of what Aided Language is, how to do it, and why it is important. Shows pictures or recorded images as examplesof aided language.

Project Core

(18:16) Overview of how to use aided language input strategies to show students what is possible and encourage their use of graphic symbols. Part of a larger set of video training modules aimed at supporting students with communication and emergent literacy.

Maureen Nevers

Maureen Nevers

from Speak for Yourself



PRC Saltillo

From Chat Corner resources page, select:

  • “Activities to Teach Core”,
  • “Choosing CORE Vocabulary Activity First Approach”
  • pdf link
  • A single pdf document includes separate pages for each activity entry. Each page is a graphic organizer of a target activity in the center, surrounded by different parts of speech such as: feeling words, questions, recurrence, negate/stop, nouns, describing words, people, and actions. Some activities also include an additional “communication script” handout.

from AssistiveWare blog

Short read of six ways to build communication partner skills: model, comment, pause, appropriate prompts, respond, and accept all forms