Literacy Programs

Emergent Literacy Programs

White woman with short dark hair, red glasses, and a lanyard around her next stands in front of a podium with part of a slide projected behind her. Her macbook is open on the lectern and her mouth is open to speak.

Literacy and Complex Communication Needs: Developing Language

Website by Jane Farrall

Video (55mins) on emergent literacy for students with complex needs with an emphasis on writing. Great exposure to more detailed look at the topic from a very knowledgeable source.

Emergent Literacy Video

FIve colored bullets with the large labels: Shared Reading, Writing with Adults, Writing From Adults, Writing with Letters and Sounds, and Independent Reading. Emergent Literacy title at the bottom with a graphic of a student holding a book up. Emergent Literacy Instruction written across the bottom.

Comprehensive Literacy for ALL

Website by Jane Farrall



Comprehensive Literacy for All

Website by Jane Farrall

Each area of emergent literacy is addressed in detail, with pages with details and resources by a well-known leader in the AAC/literacy world.


Comprehensive Literacy for All: Literacy Intervention for ALL our Diverse Students title. An image of a school shape with a book icon in it shows the title A Comprehensive DietBuilding Literacy and Language. The pink top half of this section is above a maroon bottom half with two yellow boxes of text in the bottom section. AAC and Literacy title and Daily Emergent Interventions and Daily Conventional Interventions are titles of the yellow boxes which also include a list of 4 to 6 short phrases.

Landscape chart with 5 columns and five rows. Each column has a colored header. the second and fourth rows have a short text entry in bold. The third and fifth rows have multiple short text entries and hyperlinks.

Comprehensive Emergent Literacy Instruction

E Sheldon

Grid FIle

Literacy for All: In conversation with Dr. Caroline Musselwhite

by Engaging All Learners

Dr Caroline Musselwhite supports teacher practice in the area of literacy for students with significant support needs. The 11 video clips are all under 3 minutes and each one focuses on a very specific practice related to literacy instruction.

Good Literacy Instruction for All Students

Explore and Understand Text

Symbols and Learning to Read

Word Wall

Repetition and Variety

Building Background Knowledge

Reinforcement AND Informative Feedback

Teaching and Testing Questions

Attributing Meaning

Engaging Older Students

Underestimating Potential

Video Clips

An image of a caucasian woman with long red hair is partially covered by the youtube red play logo in the upper left corner. The video title is in the upper right followed by a short paragraph of text. The lower left shows a list of titles, each followed by two links.

blog post with title in colorful frame, Praactical AAC June 21 is at the bottom.

Accessible Literacy – Emergent Literacy Resources for the AAC-SLP


blog post

Integrating Comprehensive Literacy Instruction

by AssistiveWare

This is a nice balance of a bigger picture of literacy with some important details about what should be part of a comprehensive literacy instruction. They outline the primary elements of both emergent and conventional literacy. The post also emphasizes the role of AAC in the literacy program, so educators can see how instruction can benefit all areas.

blog post

The blog title is at the top followed by four short paragraphs of text with some words showing hyperlinks. Near the end the subtitle Emergent vs Conventional Literacy is in bold and followed by a short paragraph.

Project Core is in caps and bold at the top. A menus is shown horizontally below that. The subtitle Professional Development Modules is written above two adjacent boxes. Both include a title, short amount of text, and an action button.

Project Core Professional Development

by Center for Literacy and Disability Studies, Department of Health Sciences, UNC-Chapel Hill

The Project Core focuses on a flexible set of Universal Core vocabulary. The site includes learning modules and materials that show how evidence-based instructional methods are used to teach students to use Core Vocabulary for communication.

The learning modules are free and include documents and videos on specific topics related to core vocabulary instruction. The modules range from 6 to 22 minutes in length and can be completed as a group with a facilitator or individually.

  • Professional Development Modules link
  • Professional Development Modules handout
  • About Project Core link
  • Link to Teaching Supports and Implementation Resources: link
  • Universal Core options link

Professional Development Webpage