Aided Language Input
Communication Tips & Strategies: Aided Language Stimulation (ALgS)
by Autism Association of Western Australia
Nice two-minute overview of what Aided Language is, how to do it, and why it is important. Shows pictures or recorded images as examples of aided language.
Aided Language Input Project Core PD Module
by Center for Literacy and Disability Studies
Department of Health Sciences
UNC-Chapel Hill
(18:16) Overview of how to use aided language input strategies to show students what is possible and encourage their use of graphic symbols. Part of a larger set of video training modules aimed at supporting students with communication and emergent literacy..
Speech Without Limits
YouTube Channel created by Jeanna Antrim
The Speech without Limits YouTube channel is a great source for ideas about how to use target core vocabulary across the day. Each video is short (about 2 minutes) and focuses on a single core word. You’ll see examples of activities and hear how you can word things differently to incorporate the use of the target word more often..