AAC Goals
DAGG-3 Dynamic AAC Goals Grid (2023)
Tobii Dynavox with Vickie Clark
The DAGG-3 is the updated version of a goal and intervention guide distributed by the device vendor Tobii-Dynavox. The 21-page tool identifies sets of skills at five different levels of communication. The goals need to be individualized but can help with some ideas on what to target .
Tobii-Dynavox does require that you sign up to get access to their resources.
Design to Learn IEP Development Guide
Charity Rowland, Emily Dayle Quinn, Sandra A. M. Steiner & Gayl Bowser
This pdf includes 28 questions to use as an IEP quality guide. Specifically, for developing high quality communication-related educational goals for children with complex communication needs.
Ready, Set, Goal! 1 and 2
by PRC Saltillo
Two videos offer a process for writing meaningful goals for individuals who use AAC. They provide a goal-writing framework, identify assessment tools, and connect to resources. Pathways is a free app from the Saltillo Company that follows the same process and can be a useful reference for developing goals.
Writing Effective IEP Goals
by Rachel Langley for AssistiveWare
Outline four concepts or ideas to keep in mind when writing IEP goals for someone learning to use AAC. Includes suggestions about criteria, data, conditions and target outcomes.
IEP Goal Writing Guidance
AT Lab Community Vision
Simple but informative handout on the form and content of good AAC IEP goals.
PrAACtiCal AAC Goals that Matter
by PrAACticalAAC blog site
Includes ideas for qualifiers and goals related to AAC. Over 100 goals are divided into pre-stored messages, combining single words combined, and operational and strategic competence.
What goes into teaching children to answer WH questions?
by by Alan Schnee, PhD, BCBA-D from Association for Science and Autism
This post helps explain what is involved in answering WH- questions, and why some of our students may struggle. They go through each wh- word – WHo, Where, Why etc. – and point out the challenges that particular word may present. Really an important read if you want to focus on answering wh- questions to know what is helpful wand what may not be.
Provides information, resources, tools, and technical assistance services to support local educators and leaders (K through transition age) in developing and implementing high-quality educational programs that ensure students with disabilities have access to free appropriate public education (FAPE) which allows them to make progress and meet challenging goals.
AAC Programs
Instructional Practices Briefs
by PROGRESS Center
This series of practice briefs highlight six evidence-based, high-leverage practices that research has shown support implementation of high-quality instructional programming for students with and at risk for disabilities regardless of their identified disability category or grade span.
The IRIS Center Resource Locator
at Vanderbilt University
The IRIS Center is a national center dedicated to improving education outcomes for all children, especially those with disabilities birth through age twenty-one, through the use of effective evidence-based practices and interventions
Project Core Professional Development
by by the Center for Literacy and Disability Studies, Department of Health Sciences, UNC-Chapel Hill
The Project Core modules are a series of videos focused on improving AAC skills of students with high support needs. The modules focus on core vocabulary and range from 6 to 22 minutes in length. Facilitator guides and full documentation of the trainings make them perfect for professional development of instructional assistants or others working with these students
TIES Center
TIES stands for: Time in general education, Instructional effectiveness, Engagement, and Support
TIES Center is the national technical assistance center on inclusive practices and policies. It works with states, districts, and schools to support the movement of students with disabilities from less inclusive to more inclusive environments.
TIES Center can help with evidence-based knowledge and resources to help create high-quality fully inclusive classrooms and schools. The site offers tools to help learn about inclusive education, inspire others, and plan lessons that work for all students