Texts and Materials

Texts and Text Related

- [ ] blog post with title in colorful frame, PrAACtical AAC, date, and author listed

Books for Beginning Readers of Any Age

by Erin Sheldon on PrAACticalAAC.org

Blog Post

Colorful, collection of images of the covers of eight children's books. The top row of 5 has a green label that says Read to Me. The second row has a label that says Audio Book

Epic Digital Books

by Epic!

Access 40,000 read books to read aloud and independently, videos, and quizzes. No cost for educators, monthly or annual subscriptions available for families.

GetEpic! Website

Monarch Reader

by Building WIngs

Monarch Reader Website

Title of article and logo of website.

Choosing Accessible Grade-Levels Texts for Use in Inclusive Classrooms

by TIES Center

Over 100 graphic organizers for all kinds of applications, free to download.

Graphic Organizers

Text document of multiple short paragraphs. Along the top (6) and down the right side (3) are symbols for what, talk, turn, look, different, and Oh.

Core Vocabulary Book Mark

by Maureen Nevers

Bookmark File

Graphic Organizers

Four part rectangle with a single center square. Labels for a definition, related words, connections and a picture are shown around the center. A second version of the organizer has text boxes with instruction for each box.

Vocabulary Instruction Materials

by Maureen Nevers

Vocabulary Packet

Tactile Graphic Organizers

by Perkins School for the Blind

Instructions for making two types of dimensional graphic organizers: star and a 2-column. The format can be used with different content to make content more hands-on.

Graphic Organizer Instructions

Graphic organizer of a timeline. Seven long colored boxes stacked vertically with a large colored arrow icon pointing down ialong the left side of the boxes.

Graphic Organizers

by Freeology

Over 100 graphic organizers for all kinds of applications, free to download.

Graphic Organizers


Snap Type logo with an iPad image showing a Body Parts app. A line drawing of a woman with text label fields filled in with body parts. A body parts word bank.

SnapType App

App Website

Literacy Materials

Animated Short Videos for Speech title with three cartoon images on the right side - a boy kneeling with a dog, a large bird with other birds perched on its wings, and a little boy as an astronaut.

Animated Short Videos for Speech and Language Therapy

by The Speech Express

This blog post offers ideas of ways to use videos in therapy to support engagement as well as to address a range of language goals. Ideas for what to say or do to elicit specific skills are provided. A list of suggestions and link to some short videos is included.   


Clay shaped as a pizza with a slice cut out like a mouth and a towel with eggs that look like eyes titled Wordless Videos for Inferencing with a paragraph of text introduction.

10 Absurd Wordless Videos That Teach Describing

by Speech is Beautiful

Ten stop-motion videos are shared as tools for using describing words. Aimed at older students (MS, HS), they can provide funny and interesting ways to incorporate describing words into the discussion.

Prompts and Videos