Additional Projects
Restorative Approaches Implementation for School Equity in Vermont (RISE-VT)
Coordinating training and assistance on restorative approaches in schools across Vermont.
The RISE-VT Coordination Team worked with the Vermont Restorative Approaches Collaborative (VTRAC) to identify four sites with experience utilizing restorative approaches.
The sites selected for this project were well-positioned to deepen their knowledge and practice of restorative approaches. At this time, each site has connected with a restorative approaches coach. They have each participated in their first Community of Practice meeting. The RISE-VT partners assisted each site in documenting their use of restorative approaches, what form those practices currently take, and what they see as their next steps.
What are restorative approaches?
Restorative approaches is a mindset that has the goal of building, maintaining, and repairing relationships. Restorative approaches center relationships in disciplinary and support practices, and are built on mutual respect, with individuals taking responsibility for their actions. They are also sometimes known as restorative practices.
A full transcript of this video is available here.
About RISE-VT:
2022-2023 RISE-VT Sites
- Burlington School District
- Proctor Jr/Sr High School
- Twinfield Union School
- Wolcott Elementary School
- Amy Wheeler-Sutton
- Valerie Wood
RISE-VT was part of work performed by the Building Effective Supports for Teaching (BEST) Team. The BEST Project increases and strengthens capacity across Vermont, so that schools and their communities are better able to anticipate and respond to the needs of students who are at risk of or experiencing social, emotional, and behavioral challenges.
RISE-VT was also supported by the UVM Center on Disability & Community Inclusion (CDCI).