Amy Wheeler-Sutton

Amy Wheeler-Sutton

Project Co-Director 802 656-5775

Amy Wheeler-Sutton began her career as a school counselor at the Dothan Brook School, a longtime exemplar PBIS school. She has on-the-ground knowledge of how PBIS works in a school and what key elements lead to success.

As BEST Project Co-Director, Amy has significant experience in project coordination and reporting, along with training and technical assistance. She also provides School-Wide Information System (SWIS) facilitation for schools in the Champlain, Southeast, and Southwest regions.

Amy provides training in the Universal level of PBIS and specializes in training social skills, bullying prevention, and classroom management. Amy has co-led the exciting work to align and integrate whole-school restorative approaches with PBIS, including design of a 4-day BEST/MTSS Summer Institute strand, workshop development and presentation, and revamp of the Universal PBIS training. She also is developing expertise in the Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF) and Early MTSS/Pyramid Model.

She presents locally, regionally, and nationally on best practices.

Amy served as a key member of the Act 35 Task Force on Equitable and Inclusive School Environments.

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

  • Education/Special Education
  • School Counseling
  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
  • Social-Emotional Learning


  • M.S. in Education: Professional School Counseling (College of Saint Rose) Albany, NY.
  • B.A. in Communications (Marist College) Poughkeepsie, NY.

Awards and Recognition

  • Staff Recognition Award, College of Education and Social Services (2021)
  • Vermont New School Counselor of the Year, Vermont School Counselors Association (2014)