2022 BEST/VTmtss Summer Institute
2022 BEST/VTmtss Summer Institute
Reclaiming our Passion for Education: Ensuring Safe and Nurturing Environments for our Students and Ourselves
June 27-30 2022
The 2022 BEST/VTmtss Summer Institute provided opportunities for school teams of educators, family members, and community stakeholders to share and learn strategies for improving and strengthening the systems, data, and practices within Vermont’s expanded framework for enacting a multi-tiered system of supports (VTmtss).
Registration is now closed.
- VTPBIS Targeted Training (Presenters: VTPBIS State Trainers)
- VTPBIS Intensive Training (Presenters: VTPBIS State Trainers)
- Refreshing, Enhancing, and Deepening Universal PBIS Training (Presenters: VTPBIS State Trainers)
- Expanding and Enhancing Targeted Interventions for Social and Academic Success (Presenters: VTPBIS State Trainers)
Everyday Equity: Achieving Equity in Your School Every Day in Every Way (Presenters: Dr. Sharla Horton-Williams and Dr. Toni Harrison-Kelly)
- The More You Feel It, The Better You Teach It (Presenter: Ali Hearn)
The Pandemic of Burnout in Education: Revolutionizing Well-Being & SEL for Educators to Support our Students and Ourselves (Presenter: Danna Thomas)
Holistic Restorative Education—Supporting Both Adults and Youth to Thrive (Presenter: Annie O’Shaughnessy with guest speaker Howard Moody)
- Fostering Resilience to Address Stress, Adversity, and Trauma (Presenter: Joelle van Lent)
Creating Safe and Nurturing Classroom Environments (Presenter: Brandi Simonsen)
Deepening and Expanding Restorative Practices (Presenter: Jon Kidde)
- Running Staff Meetings and PLCs Restoratively (Presenter: Annie O’Shaughnessy)
- SoulCollage® Workshop: Creative Collage to Promote Well-Being (Presenter: Carolyn Tatlock)Practicing Self-Compassion (Presenter: Rebecca Lallier)
- Utilizing De-Escalation Strategies to Maintain Least Restrictive Environments (Presenter: Evan Sivo)
- Using PBIS Data to Work Smarter, Not Harder (Presenter: Sherry Schoenberg and Amy Wheeler-Sutton)Building Relational Trust, Safety, and ConnectionThrough Pl (Presenter: Howard Moody)
- Integrated Intensive Intervention (Presenter: Brandi Simonsen)
- Team Building for Leaders (Presenter: Jen McKusick)
- Educational Support Team (EST) Plan Templates – information and guidance (Presenter: Tom Faris)
- Family Engagement – Building Effective Two-Way Communication (Presenter: Nancy Hellen)
- Workshop O – Implementing an Assets-Based Growth Model for Equitable VTmtss (Presenter: Audrey Richardson)
Monday – Joelle van Lent – Reclaiming Our Connection to Hope and Inspiration as We Close out the School Year
Tuesday – Dr. Sharla Horton-Williams and Dr. Toni Harrison-Kelly – Make School Magical Again