TA Topics

The list below was created to help teams consider all of the topics where they might want support. This can be useful during the Intake process.

Student-Based Focus

  • sensory – vision, hearing, deafblind
  • continence
  • functional, physical, cognitive and
  • sensory skills for participation
  • academics
  • communication / language / AAC
  • social-emotional learning

Focus on Curriculum / Instruction

  • connecting to academic standards
  • curriculum: literacy, math, academics, technology
  • support inclusion / UDL / co-teaching
  • plan accessible lessons, create instructional materials
  • plan [specialized] instruction
  • collection, analysis, recording of data
  • assessment selection and administration
  • state assessments

Focus on Context: Access / Participation

  • functional skills for participation
  • student equipment for seating, positioning, movement
  • environmental / spatial design, and safety
  • activities: recreation / play; community based; daily living; vocational

Focus on AAC / AT

  • trial support
  • demonstration / explore / borrow
  • technology operations training
  • documentation (report-writing) guidance/ data
  • for GEC / academics
  • for literacy
  • for non-academics

Focus on IEP / Program

  • person centered planning, transition planning, IEP, recurring team meetings
  • identify AT, accommodations
  • documentation support
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