Technical Assistance (TA)

What is Technical Assistance?

Technical Assistance (TA) is a collaborative effort to facilitate change, build capacity, improve practices, and reach common outcomes.

The I-Team model promotes building the capacity of the local team based on shared outcomes. It uses a combination of consultation, coaching, and training of the individuals who regularly interact with the student.

The Technical Assistance section of the Student Services menu defines the term technical assistance (or TA) and then offers details specifically about the I-Team’s TA services. Teams can check out the TA Topics, TA Activities, and TA Format Options sections linked in the sidebar. See all the ways that the I-Team can individualize our support of your work with students with complex profiles. 

Technical Assistance Services

Technical Assistance is a term used in many fields, including eduction, and broadly means providing specific support to a team with a need or a problem. The I-Team’s TA model promotes building the capacity of local teams based on shared outcomes. We use a combination of consultation, coaching and training of the individuals who regularly interact with students.

Vermont I-Team’s TA Model

The I-Team’s Technical Assistance process focuses on identifying outcomes and services that are well-matched to teams’ resources and needs. The 3-step process below is aligned with state priorities and best practices in education and Technical Assistance support. 

Step 1, Enrollment, focuses on collecting specific information related to the team and student. This information is used in Step 2, Intake, to identify outcomes and develop an individualized Technical Assistance Plan. In Step 3, Implementation, the TA Plan is put into action and adjusted based on ongoing feedback.

Step 1: Enrollment

Step 1 Enrollment focuses on the completion of the Student Application and connected documents.  The Student Application is a short online form for recording basic student data and contact information about key team members. Along with the application the other documents that are required are: student’s IEP, the I-Team’s Financial Contract signed by the SEA. If the student does not have a signed Parent Permission on file (e.g. if they are new to I-Team) they will need that form completed. When all four of these documents have been received the file is marked complete and the assigned consultant is able to communicate with the liaison and plan for the initial contact.

Step 2: Intake

The team liaison will be contacted by the I-Team Regional Educational Consultant (REC) once the application is complete. The REC will arrange for an in-person or remote meeting to collect more detailed information about the student’s needs and the team’s request for Technical Assistance.

During the initial contact, I-Team and local Team members start the TA process. Information about the I-Team and our TA process is shared and information about the Team and Student is collected. An informal Intake Profile captures important information about needs and opportunities for the TA Plan.

Educational Program Data is information related to educational priorities that is collected for each student to improve consistency of focus across agencies. Some of these data include:

  • Services being accessed: VABVI, CARES, UVM DHHDB, community support agencies
  • Education: Student Schedule, AAS eligible, AAS Participant EC observed learning activity, EC observed instructional setting
  • Transition: for students 14 and over, transition plan and post-secondary goals

The last part of the Intake Step is the creation of the TA Plan. This is the document that spells out of all the planned components of the TA and guides our work. The plan integrates information from the first step (Service Application) and the third step (Implementation) and may include the following sections: 

A Communication Statement identifies, who, how, when and why the I-Team and the school team will communicate.

A list of the specific Roles / Responsibilities of the I-Team, School Liaison, and Supervisory Union from the TA Agreement are included with the TA Plan for reference. 

Outcomes are prioritized goal(s) based on identified needs. They direct the TA activities and are used to evaluate the ITeam’s TA effectiveness.   

Technical Assistance Service Format options are identified from a set of options based on what best meet the needs of the team in fulfilling the identified outcomes. 

Step 3: Implementation 

Most of the year will be spent in the implementation of Technical Assistance by the I-Team and local team, following the TA Plan and including appropriate documentation. This includes monitoring, which is the ongoing check, in various forms, to ensure that the TA Plan is being followed as outlined. The TA Plan can be adjusted as needed based on progress and feedback. Team members also provide feedback on the I-Team TA in an annual survey. 

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