Resources by Category


The curriculum is a framework for instruction that includes learning targets, methods, materials, and assessments for academic and non-academic content areas.

Assessment & Data

Student Data can include assessments, test scores, classroom observations, teacher reports, and any other relevant information about the student.

Curriculum Materials

Curriculum materials include: learning supplies, tools, equipment, technology, texts, electronics, software, supports Assistive technology

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Teaching and learning with specific goals, content, strategies, measurement and resources.


This section includes contexts outside of school – the people, activities, locations, and experiences that round out the student’s life.

Home Environment

Resources geared specifically towards the home context. Family, siblings, generalization, relationships, life experiences, family FAQ’s.

Vermont Community Resources

Information about agencies, events, and resources related to individuals with disabilities specifically for people who live in Vermont.


Participation and progress for students with complex learning profiles requires the use of recommended practices and careful planning, as part of a solid educational program.

Educational Programs

Educational programs are the students’ recorded and implemented plans for instruction.  They are the specific environments, activities, services, and documentation that defines the students’ school experience.


Inclusion involves supporting students with disabilities through individual learning goals, accommodations, and modifications so that they are able to access the general education curriculum in the general education classroom and be held to the same high expectations as their peers. (IRIS Center)

Person-Centered Planning

Prioritize the needs, perspectives, and involvement of students and their families in the educational process.

Transition & Employment

Includes: Pre-vocational; college options, work exploration, grad requirements, vocational topics

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

UDL is an educational framework that is like a toolkit of different strategies and options to make learning accessible and effective for all learners.
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Writing IEPs

All parts of program documentation, such as: IEP, Curriculum records, lesson planning, schedule – program matrix; Assistive Technology consideration


Interventions supplement the curriculum and are address students’ physical, sensory, or cognitive needs.

Cognitive & Executive Function

Cognitive functioning is about how the student’s brain processes information. It relates to learning, remembering, problem-solving, and making decisions. Executive functioning keeps the student on track. It helps them to manage their time, pay attention, organize tasks, control impulses, and set goals.


Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is the set of interventions and materials that add to a person’s own speech and communication abilities.

Fine Motor Control

Specific movements and actions are also needed for school tasks such as writing, drawing, and using tools and materials.
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Activities in school require physical skills like balance and coordination, spatial awareness, and strength and endurance. Safety, positioning, access to writing tools, manage belongings, manage materials, seating, mobility, sensori-motor self-care and health, continence, hygiene, mealtimes, dressing, medical.


Hearing, vision, deafblind


Social-emotional behaviors refer to the way the student interacts with others and how they manage their own emotions in social situations. Social Engagement Skills, Innovation Skills, Cooperation Skills, Self-Management Skills, Emotional Resilience Skills, Self-regulation, Mental health

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