TA Topics

Technical Assistance Topics

The list below was created to help teams consider all of the topics where they might want support. This can be useful during the Intake process.

Student-Based Focus

  • sensory – vision, hearing, deafblind
  • continence
  • functional, physical, cognitive and
  • sensory skills for participation
  • academics
  • communication / language / AAC
  • social-emotional learning

Focus on Curriculum / Instruction

  • connecting to academic standards
  • curriculum: literacy, math, academics, technology
  • support inclusion / UDL / co-teaching
  • plan accessible lessons, create instructional materials
  • plan [specialized] instruction

Focus on Context: Access / Participation

  • functional skills for participation
  • student equipment for seating, positioning, movement
  • environmental / spatial design, and safety
  • activities: recreation / play; community based; daily living; vocational

Focus on AAC / AT

AT / Speech-Generating Device:

  • trial support
  • demonstration / explore / borrow
  • technology operations training
  • documentation (report-writing)/ data

AAC / AT Application:

  • for GEC / academics
  • for literacy
  • for non-academics

Focus on IEP / Program

  • participate in planning meetings, contribute to documentation
  • person centered planning, transition planning, IEP, recurring team meetings
  • identify AT, accommodations
  • articulate services

Student Data / Assessment

  • collection, analysis, recording
  • assessment selection and administration
  • state assessment
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