Student Application Process

The Student Application Process includes details about applying for I-Team services. The pages in this section cover:

  • who is eligible to enroll
  • how to record services in the IEP
  • what steps are required from start to finish, and
  • how to complete the enrollment form.

The next section, Student Application Forms, has the link to the online Enrollment Application. All of these sections are linked in the sidebar for easier access.


The I-Team provides Technical Assistance (TA) to teams who are supporting students who have complex learning profiles. A student with a complex learning profile has needs in multiple areas of development which are persistent, significant, and create impacts across contexts. Students with complex learning profiles have co- occurring medical, physical, cognitive and/or communication challenges and often benefit from support and strategies from a range of disciplines. Students who are eligible for I-Team support are children and youth who:

  • have been determined eligible for special education and receiving services under an IEP,
  • are currently between the ages of 3 and 22,
  • have a disability that significantly impacts cognitive functioning and adaptive behavior, AND
  • require intensive individualized instruction and significant supports to access the general education curriculum

I-Team in the IEP

The Agency of Education (AOE) recommends that I-Team Technical Assistance (TA) services be reflected in the IEP of any student receiving I-Team services. The I-Team application and enrollment process must be complete before the service is entered into the IEP.

I-Team services are provided on a school year basis, as opposed to following the IEP year or a year from the application date. Teams will need to amend the IEP to reflect the technical assistance. This can be done by parent’s agreement to an IEP amendment without a meeting. Depending on the anticipated frequency of I-Team services there are two ways to capture that in the IEP, as outlined below

To reflect consultation occurring 2-3 times a year: the IEP Amendment should include a statement on the IEP Service page referring the reader to the narrative section for additional information. The Program Supports and Accommodations section of the IEP should have the following language added:

“During the 2024 – 2025 school year, the I-Team will provide consultative services regarding [student] to the IEP team and LEA personnel. The specific outcomes, content, and format of the consult will be identified at the start of services with input from the IEP team including the parent.”

For on-going consultation, the I-Team can be written into the Service page grid as with other services.

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