Intake Process Documents

The Intake is the step between the completion of the enrollment application and the ongoing Technical Assistance services. The Intake Process section of the website contains the materials that the I-Team uses for the initial contact and conversation with team members.

The specific resources include a copy of questions that may be part of intake meetings, a list of expectations for the school and I-Team, and a template for a plan for the year. Progress monitoring tools that can be used to measure change over time will be part of this set as well. They will help us measure our impact on the identified outcomes.

Intake Questions 

The Intake process helps to capture relevant information about the student’s educational program, including the team’s current strengths and abilities, challenges, preferences and needs.

The page that follows includes questions that the Regional Educational Consultant may ask during the intake meeting. At the end of the intake process we hope to have:

  • an idea of the desired outcome areas
  • at least one target outcome
  • a record of preferred service formats
  • potential topic/contexts
  • a general plan and schedule for the year

The plan may also include your ideas about initial interventions and other I-Team members who may be involved. The Technical Assistance Plan is added to the first TA Summary document as the shared product from the intake process.

Reference Materials:

  • TA Topics document
  • TA Activities document
  • TA Formats document

Guiding Questions

  • What other agencies are [going to be] involved (hearing, vision, deafblind, mental health, vocational, private agency…)? Sharing the name of the consultant and contact info is very helpful for collaboration.
  • Is the primary liaison familiar with the I-Team? What about the family?
  • If you have had I-Team services in the past what worked and what didn’t?
  • Who made the referral for this year, and why?
  • What are your hopes for our work together?
  • Are there any significant conflicts or differences within the team that could affect the personnel or other resources?
  • What are the family’s priorities?
  • It can help to know if the team has a regular meeting If so when, where, and with whom.
  • When is the student in class for first instruction?
  • What is working with the educational program and what are some challenges?
  • As a liaison, what are your other roles and responsibilities? It is helpful to know about other roles that might be impacting our work, such as: supervision of staff, amount of prep time, access to the GE teacher/curriculum etc.
  • What is the student’s daily schedule and how does that work with routines-based interventions?
  • Our priorities as a project include promoting inclusion via classroom and curriculum participation. What are the inclusion practices of the teachers, school community, administrators…?
  • We sometimes get feedback at the end of the year that teams would have liked more of our time. How do you feel about the plan we are making in terms of amount of time? How can we check to see if it is working?
  • What did we not ask that we should have?
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