Conference Code of Conduct

Expectations for Attendees & Presenters

  • Be kind to your own body, and to the bodies around you.
  • Please feel free to move around the event space freely as you attend to the needs of your body.
  • No one is watching you if you need to leave the space to go to the restroom, stretch, get some air, or chill out. Everyone is much more focused on their own bodies.
  • Unwrap and eat your snacks with our blessing. The wrapper might crinkle, but we need you to stay fed and well throughout.
  • If you prefer wearing noise-dampening or other types of headphones to the event, please feel free to do so.
  • Everybody brought a different kind of body to this event. Be respectful of other bodies and their needs and speeds.
  • Keep your hands off other bodies unless given explicit consent by the other person. This includes mobility aids such as wheelchairs, canes, and walkers, or headphones. All of those are extensions of another person’s body.
  • If you see a service animal at this event, that animal is hard at work. Please do not pet it or otherwise disturb it from doing its job without express invitation.
  • This event is fragrance-free, and nut-free. This is so we can provide a welcoming space for guests with sensitivities to those items.
  • This event is intersectionally anti-racist. We will not tolerate any language or actions that hurt people based on race, ethnicity, physical ability, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, class, caste, or preferred language.

Conference Menu

Lunch, coffee, and light breakfast included.

The Vermont I-Team expects all Inclusive Schools Conference attendees to follow this Code of Conduct.

If you fail to follow our Code of Conduct, you may be asked to leave the conference. If someone else fails to follow our Code of Conduct, please ask a member of the conference staff for support.

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