Dr. Richard Reid Presentations
As part of the 2022-2023 I-Team Professional Learning Series, Dr. Richard Reid presented a two-part lecture on how to use comprehensive evaluation to support students with complex learning and communication needs.
We encourage you to watch the videos, or read the transcripts of the videos, as well as browse the resources below.
Resources: Types of Assessments
Literacy Skills Assessments
Number Skills
PNOA (Primary Numbers and Operation Assessment)
All Learners Network: https://alllearnersnetwork.com/assessments
High Leverage Assessments Pre-K through 8
Formative Probes
TSGOLD (Teaching Strategies GOLD)
TEMA-3 (Test of Early Mathematical Abilities-3)
Writing Skills
See “literacy skills” above.
Communication Skills
Teacher Rating of Oral Language and Literacy (TROLL) pdf link
The Communication Matrix
Independence Skills
Scales of Independent Behavior – Revised (SIB-R) link
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales – II (VABS-II) link
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – II (ABAS-3) link
Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale (DABS) link
School Function Assessment (SFA) link
Learning Abilities
Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability (WJIV)
Weschler Intelligence scales for Children (WISC-V)
Stanford Binet (SB5)
Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (UNIT 2)
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (TONI)
Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (CTONI)
Differential Ability Scales – II (DAS-II)
Test of academic achievement
Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability (WJIV)
Weschler Induvial Achievement Test (WIAT-III)
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test – 5
Oral and Written Language Scales (OWLS-II)
Key Math Diagnostic Test -3
ProEd family of narrow focused tests (TOWL, TORC, TEMA)
Presentation Accommodations
Response accommodations
Setting accommodations
Timing/scheduling accommodations
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