Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who are the Pediatric Professionals Collaborative of Vermont?

The Pediatric Professionals Collaborative of Vermont is a professional group dedicated to supporting health care professionals in Vermont who work with children and young adults. We often abbreviate the name of our group as “PedsProVT”.

This group includes and welcomes such health care professionals as:

  • occupational therapists
  • physical therapists
  • behavioral therapists
  • respiratory therapists
  • nurses
  • psychologists

If you treat children and/or youths in Vermont and are looking for professional fellowship and resources, please consider yourself welcome to join us.

What are the benefits of joining PEDSPROVT?

PedsProVT maintains an active and lively email list-serv.

A few times per week, members of the list-serv will post resources they’ve found helpful, or ask for help with professional topics and situations.

Didn’t this project used to be called TRIPSCY?

Yes. From its founding in 2015 up through 2021, this project was known as TRIPSCY: Training and Resources for Interdisciplinary Professionals Serving Children and Youth.

In 2021, the members of the group decided to change the name to be something more specifically descriptive of their service focus, and to make it easier for other health care professionals to understand.

How do I interact with the list-serv?

Joining the PedsProVT list-serv

To join the PedsProVT list-serv, please fill out this short contact form. Within 48 hours, you should receive an email welcoming you to the list-serv.

Leaving the PedsProVT list-serv

To leave the PedsProVT list-serv, please fill out this short contact form or send an email pedsprovt-request@LIST.UVM.EDU, with the subject line “UNSUBSCRIBE”.

If you use the online form, you can opt whether to receive an email confirming you have been removed from the list-serv, or whether to receive no email confirmation. You should be removed from the list-serv within 48 hours.

Posting to the PedsProVT list-serv

The PedsProVT list-serv encourages interaction. Anyone can post a question or a resource or an upcoming event you think might be of interest to other members.

To send a post, start a new email in your email client, and in the “To:” field, enter When you hit “Send” your post will go out to everyone on the list-serv.

Does the PEDSPRO list-serv have a Code of Conduct?

Thank you for being part of our listserv community. To ensure the best experience for all members, we have established some basic guidelines for participation.

  1. We are fostering a kind space. Everyone should feel comfortable asking for suggestions, benefiting from one another’s experience, and sharing ideas and tips. You are invited to post and to respond to others.
  2. We share knowledge and recommendations about tools, resources, trainings, and related opportunities to help peers build professional skills and make informed decisions.  This is not a forum for selling or promoting commercial interests. Please reserve list discussions for topics best suited to the medium.
  3. We follow our professional ethics. We are careful to de-identify and protect privacy and confidentiality when seeking advice.

For any questions on or suggestions about this code of conduct, please get in touch.