EVOLVE Plus worked with school personnel, self-advocates, families, and service providers to increase the probability that the lives of students with disabilities will be better because they were educated in Vermont schools.

EVOLVE Plus did this by:

  1. Adhering to values embedded in the Individual with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (2004) (e.g., importance of educating all children, individualization, access to supports, least restrictive environment, access to the general education curriculum, access to qualified personnel);
  2. Pursuing logical practices that help us operationalize those values; and
  3. Researching to determine if our practices have been effective.

Project EVOLVE Plus offered school-based research, training, technical assistance, and collaborative consultation on a fee-for-service basis through the Center on Disability & Community Inclusion at the University of Vermont.


Project EVOLVE Plus extends the earlier work of Project EVOLVE (2002-2007), a federally-funded model demonstration project that explored alternatives to overreliance on paraprofessionals to support students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. EVOLVE Plus services address additional topical areas that have been field-tested and researched by project staff.

The EVOLVE Plus Library of Paraprofessional Research

EVOLVE Plus Project Director Dr. Michael F. Giangreco has assembled a comprehensive and continually updated library of paraprofessional research. Covering 1990 to the present, Dr. Giangreco curates this library to present the most relevant and crucial resources for paraprofessionals in the field today.

EVOLVE Plus Library Categories

The EVOLVE Plus Library consists of seven types of research citations:

  1. Inclusion in General Education
  2. Paraprofessional Support of Students with Disabilities
  3. Educational Curriculum Planning and “COACH”
  4. Creative Problem-Solving
  5. Related Services/Support Services & VISTA
  6. Selected Paraprofessional Resources
  7. Recent Dissertation Abstracts on Paraprofessional Topics