Are you a Vermonter with a Developmental Disability or a family member?

Have you ever wondered how you could make a difference on issues that affect people with disabilities?

Become a leader. Make a Difference.

The Vermont Leadership Series is a collaboration between the Center on Disability and Community Inclusion at the University of Vermont, the Vermont Developmental Disabilities CouncilGreen Mountain Self Advocates, and the Vermont Family Network.

The goal of the Vermont Leadership Series is to train Vermonters with developmental disabilities, their family, and other community members, to become leaders in advocating and advancing the rights of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities.

Each year approximately 20 new participants attend workshops that include presentations, panels, and interactive exercises illustrating the history and meaning of the disability rights movement.  Those who attend learn about organizing for change, participating in media campaigns, and interactive exercises designed to strengthen critical leadership skills for the disability rights movement, including working in inclusive teams, speaking to lawmakers, and sharing one’s lived experience with disability through impactful stories. This series increases each budding leader’s capacity to make Vermont a better place to live.

More Information or to Apply

Please visit the Vermont Leadership Series website.