Next Steps

This guide is a living document, supported by the people and organizations who created it, as well as the UVM Center on Disability & Community Inclusion as a whole. We welcome feedback on this guide.

  • How are you using it?
  • How would you like to be using it?
  • What or who, is missing from the document?

We hope this guide provides information and resources as you take steps to increase inclusion of people with disabilities in your programs.

Basic Information and Etiquette

Event Resources at UVM

Accessible Events 1.0

During the early part of the pandemic in 2020, CDCI director Jesse Suter wrote the first version of this accessible events guide: Accessible Events (.pdf). We now refer to this first .pdf as “Accessible Events 1.0”.

The Accessible Events Guide you are now reading is version 2.0. It came about after members of the organizations listed in the credits recognized there is a growing need for resources on making events accessible.

We will continue to update this Accessible Events Guide on an annual basis, and welcome people with disabilities, and their families, and organizations who want to make events more accessible to get in touch and take part in crafting the next edition.


This accessible events guide is a collaboration between:

  • UVM Center on Disability & Community Inclusion
  • Inclusive Arts Vermont
  • All Brains Belong VT, and
  • UVM’s 504 Coordinator for Accessibility

Special thanks go out to Heidi Swevens, India Hoover, Bonnie Morse, Amber Fulcher, and Mel Houser.