Literacy Assessments

Literacy Assessment Tools

Literacy Motivation Profile title with space for student identifiers followed by a 5 column chart titled Reading. Questions in column one are followed by three choices of yes, I don't know, and no for most questions then a space for observations in the last column.

Literacy Motivation Profile

by Gretchen Hanser and Rachel Skinner

Two pages of questions/choices about student’s attitudes, beliefs, experiences, and opinions related to literacy.


All Children Can Read: Literacy Skills Checklist title. Introduction then landscape oriented chart with 10 rows and 5 columns. The first column has short description phrases, followed by spaces to select the column for yes, no, sometimes, or don't know.

All Children Can Read Literacy Skills Checklist

by National Center on DeafBlindness

The checklist describes if/how often specific literacy-related behaviors are observed at home, school or in the community. At the end of each section there is information about where to locate strategies and resources to assist in developing and improving literacy skills.

NCDB Checklist

Six column landscape oriented chart with 6 rows. Print skills listed in column one. Each of the other 5 columns has a short text descriptor sentence. The first column is not labeled, then columns 2 and 3 are titled early emerging literacy, the next two are transitional Emerging Literacy and the last one is Early Conventional literacy. The second row shows a point value 1 through 5 for each column of descriptions along with a descriptive word for that level.

Literacy Rubric

by Kathy Staugler 2007

One page rubric of literacy behaviors ranging across early emergent, transitional emergent, and early conventional skills. Areas described include:

  • phonemic awareness
  • concepts of print
  • word recognition
  • fluency
  • comprehension

To use the rubric, start by engaging the student in story reading and/or reading related activities. Observe student’s behaviors and level of participation. Mark the space in each row that most clearly defines the student’s level of concept understanding. At the end, calculate the total points. You will use this information to determine the level of text to select to help the student move further in their skill and understanding.

Literacy Rubric

Interactions with Books title. First column is a list of interaction behaviors each followed by a small sets of bulleted descriptions. Each of the bullets in the six sets of behaviors is followed by three checkboxes which line up with the spaces for dates at the top of each column. A large rectangle with the title Observation Notes takes up the right side of the page.

Emergent Literacy Behaviours Checklist

by Literacy for All

The checklist provides a guide to describe a student’s current behaviors related to literacy. It specifically focuses on emergent literacy skills, going beyond the most basic features to more detailed observations. It can be used periodically throughout the year to monitor progress, inform instruction and document growth. The 10 page document includes one page of items for each of the sections below:

A. Interactions with Books
B. Engagement in the Act of Reading
C. Interactions During Literacy Activities
D. Engagement in Storytelling
E. Interactions with Symbols/Print
F. Drawing/Writing and Representing
G. Alphabet Knowledge
H. Phonological Awareness

Literacy Behaviors Checklist

The Bridge: Foundations of Reading title at the top of the page of a landscape oriented set of charts. Each chart starts with a fill-in sentence, then the row below gives a short description in each column. The row below that shows the number value for that box. There are three sets of these fill-in response charts on the page.

The Bridge Assessment

by Center for Literacy and Disability Studies University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Bridge is an early literacy and language assessment framework based on observation and portfolio development/analysis. Several documents including an experimental version of the Bridge Assessment Tool can be downloaded on the linked webpage. 9 page pdf

Bridge Assessment

A landscape chart with 9 columns and 5 rows. The first and third row are headings for the row beneath. The other rows have short text description in each box.

Modified Bridge Assessment

by Erin Sheldon

Modified Bridge Assessment

Vocabulary Score Sheet titled vertical orientation page of three charts. Each chart has a title and 2 columns of lists of words or phrases followed by one or two lines for a short response or mark. There is a space for notes at the bottom.

The Abecedarian Reading Assessment

by Sebastian Wren and Jennifer Wells

The Abecedarian was designed to provide diagnostic information about early reading skills. The 52 page document includes the administration and scoring of items in the sections below:

  • Letter Knowledge
  • Phonological Awareness
  • Phoneme Awareness
  • Alphabetic Principle
  • Vocabulary
  • Decoding

Reading Assessment

Literacy Goals

Opening screen of video with words "Assessing and tracking literacy development in students with Angelman Syndrome". ASF logo is in the middle and the picture of a young girl with red hair covering part of her face and the word mailz typed underneath

ASF Educational Webinar Series: IEP Goals for Early Literacy Development for Students

by Angelman Syndrome Foundation


YouTube Video

Literacy Progress Monitoring

Literacy Program Progress Monitoring Targets title with student and date fields. Column one has short phrases and is titled Reading Measurements. Column two has the question Could this measure be used to show progress in literacy? at the top and space for a written response.

Book Reading Progress Options

by Maureen Nevers

Progress Options File