CARES Team consultants serve as members of the school team with specialized knowledge of the unique access needs of students who are d/Deaf, hard of hearing, or deafblind (DHHDB). Consultants provide technical assistance and training to school teams in order to increase their capacity to meet the needs of these students.

All services are provided remotely and in person.


Request CARES Team Services

Consultation and Technical Assistance (TA) Services

The consultation and technical assistance services provided by the CARES team follows a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) model for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) services.


The Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Services Model

Tier 1

Core Universal Interventions

Core Universal Interventions

Consultants recommend and offer training to public school staff on these preventative and proactive interventions that should be available to all students. Consultants provide recommendations and accommodations to ensure equitable access.

Tier 2

Targeted Interventions

Targeted Group Interventions

All of Tier 1, plus consultants work directly with the school team on identifying access and communication supports to develop targeted interventions.

Tier 3

Intensive Interventions

Intensive, Individualized Interventions

All services must be noted on an Individual Educational Plan (IEP).

This model aligns with the Educational Service Guidelines for students who are DHH developed by the National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE). The NASDSE guidelines were created in partnership with a project through the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs.

CARES continues to ensure equitable access for students with hearing loss in Vermont and assists in building capacity for Vermont public schools.


  • Psycho-educational evaluations.
  • Counseling through technical assistance consultation.
  • Speech and language evaluations for students who are DHHDB.
  • Support with understanding assessments for students who are DHHDB.

If you’re interested in accessing these services, please ask your CARES Team consultant.


There continue to be high levels of COVID-19 transmission in Vermont communities; students, staff, and consultants are all routinely impacted by COVID-19 and school quarantine/contact protocols.

In order to ensure we protect students, school staff, and consultants while also striving to maintain coverage for the entire state throughout the year, we will provide as many services as possible through remote/virtual technology.