About the Vermont Continence Project
The Vermont Continence Project provides positive, person-centered, science-driven toileting & continence supports for Vermont’s children and youth
The Vermont Continence Project:
- Consults on toileting and continence-related skills for Vermonters under 22 years old.
- Provides workshops, trainings, and consultations statewide to empower professionals who are supporting continence and toileting-related skills.
- Collects and shares resources about continence and toileting-related skills. Our resources may be for adults or children, and professionals or lay people.
- Collaborates with agencies, schools, and organizations. We partner to improve systems and supports for children and youth with incontinence and toileting challenges.
We work with the team of the referred child or youth to make a plan and carry it out. We do not work directly with the referred person, only with the adults supporting them.
The Vermont Continence Project is a project of UVM’s Center on Disability & Community Inclusion. It receives support from the Vermont Child Health Improvement Program (VCHIP).

Meet Our Staff
Our collaborative team includes a master’s level occupational therapist, master’s level registered dietitian, registered nurse pursing a doctor of nursing practice, and a doctorate level psychologist, all with special training and experience in pediatric incontinence.
In the photo at left, we are, left to right:
- Kelly Savitri RN, BSN, Nursing Consultant
- Community Partner Rebecca Ruid
- Chayah Lichtig, Project Director, and
- Tracie Clarke MS RDN CD, Registered Dietitian

Quick Facts
2024 Vermont Continence Project Fact Sheet