Practice Toilet Sits

Lots of children refuse to sit on the toilet at some point. While our first step is always to let down the pressure and make sure we’re identifying and treating medical needs, we want to get back to the toilet at some point. How do we do it? Practice sits! This video explains a low-pressure way to help your child feel comfortable sitting on the toilet.

A full transcript of the video appears below.

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Routines & Goals: Toileting “Inchstones”


We might think of “toilet training” as one activity, but it’s actually made of lots of separate steps and skills! This video can help you figure out where to focus your attention and support your child with the skills they are working on right now.


Steps to Toileting Participation (pdf)

A full transcript of the video appears below.

Continue reading “Routines & Goals: Toileting “Inchstones””

Building a sitting schedule

Most of us have heard the suggestion to create a schedule for your child to sit on the toilet. Most of us don’t get much advice about when, how often, or how to make it work with your busy family life. Check out this video for hints on how to create and implement a  sitting schedule.


A full transcript of the video appears below.

Continue reading “Building a sitting schedule”

The Toileting Toolbox

Let’s talk about building your toilet time toolbox! There are lots of things you might want to have in the bathroom to make toileting more successful and enjoyable for you and your child.

Building your toileting toolbox is also a great activity to do with your child to prepare for a sitting schedule.

A full transcript of the video appears below.

Continue reading “The Toileting Toolbox”

How to talk to your child’s school team about incontinence

If your child attends school, you may be wondering how to collaborate with your child’s school team to support their continence. This video gives some of the highlights from our guide, Best Practices in School-Based Toilet-Learning & Continence, which is below.


Best Practices in School-Based Toilet-Learning and Continence

A full transcript of the video appears below.

Continue reading “How to talk to your child’s school team about incontinence”