The feeding relationship between parent or caregiver and child are as important as getting enough fiber and fluid. This video explains the Division of Responsibility at mealtimes and discusses what role the parent plays int he child’s mealtime to help their needs versus the role the child plays to meet their own needs.

Parents and caregivers often have many questions and concerns about nutrition and constipation. Parents often try more natural approaches, such as fiber supplements, elimination diets, or probiotics  before medication management. The following video reviews common situations children may experience and approaches to consider.

Food choices are an important part of avoiding chronic constipation or helping your child stay “regular” after the acute phase of constipation treatment. These videos explain how different foods affect digestion and health.

Supplements can be an important part of treatment of a child’s constipation or other digestive challenges. This video outlines some of the supplements people frequently use for constipation and GI health: probiotics, prebiotics, fiber supplements, magnesium, and vitamin C.

It can be tricky to feed a child with narrow or selective food preferences. They often prefer foods that can worsen constipation, or may lean heavily on foods that irritate their digestion. These videos cover some of the reasons children might be more “picky”, and strategies to support them. The videos offer information about food textures, mealtime routine strategies, communication strategies, and increasing your child’s food flexibility.