Upcoming Workshop: Better Toilet Teaching: Getting Started & Overcoming Challenges

A poster image for the Continence Project's upcoming workshop. The text is also below

A workshop for parents and providers from the Vermont Continence Project

Teaching toileting to a child can be stressful and uncertain. If you are preparing to introduce your child, client, student, etc. to the potty, or have hit bumps in the road, this workshop may help. Workshop will include lecture and Q&A. A recording will be provided.

Wednesday March 8th, 7-8:30 via Zoom.

Register: go.uvm.edu/cproj-workshop

The Vermont Continence Project promotes positive, person-centered, science-driven toileting & continence supports for Vermont’s children and youth.

We help improve incontinence care and toilet teaching regardless of disability or health status.

EVENT: Better Toilet-Teaching: A Parent/Caregiver Workshop

Better Toilet-Teaching: A Parent/Caregiver Workshop

Teaching toileting to your child can be stressful and uncertain. If you are preparing to introduce your child to the potty, or have hit bumps in the road, this workshop may help. The workshop is also open to professionals

This workshop will include a lecture portion (approximately 1 hour), as well as a Q&A (approximately 30 minutes).


Wednesday, November 16, 7-8:30 PM, via Zoom

If you cannot attend at this time, a recording will be provided to everyone who registers

To Register: go.uvm.edu/cproj-november

To Learn More: go.uvm.edu/continence Questions? continence.project@uvm.edu

EVENT: “Better Toilet Training: A Parent-Caregiver Workshop”

Better Toilet-Teaching: A Parent/Caregiver Workshop

Teaching toileting to your child can be stressful and uncertain. If you are preparing to introduce your child to the potty, or have hit bumps in the road, this workshop may help.

This workshop will include a lecture portion (approximately 1 hour), as well as a Q&A (approximately 30 minutes).

Toilet rolls in a basket. Text: Better Toilet Teaching workshop, September 21, 7pm EST


Wednesday, September 21, 7-8:30 PM, via Zoom

If you cannot attend at this time, a recording will be provided to everyone who registers

To Register: go.uvm.edu/cproj-fall

To Learn More: go.uvm.edu/continence Questions? continence.project@uvm.edu