Unit 1: Intro to Elimination
Welcome to the Toilet-Teaching Video Learning Series
Elimination Basics
Taking Initial Bowel Data
Letting Down the Pressure
Our online video learning series walks you through the common challenges that people face when supporting incontinence.
Start with the welcome video, below, and work your way through Units 1-6 in order. If you would rather look at videos on a specific topic instead of going through the series, choose a topic from the Resources menu.
Each video is fully captioned and available as a transcript, with accompanying resources. The videos will be available as a downloadable audio series later this fall.
Welcome to the Toilet-Teaching Video Learning Series
Elimination Basics
Taking Initial Bowel Data
Letting Down the Pressure
The Constipation Cycle
Could It Be Constipation?
Talking to Your Child’s Healthcare Provider About Incontinence
Urination Questions & Concerns
Paying for Incontinence Supplies
Acute Phase Constipation Treatment: The Cleanout
Straight Talk About Laxatives
Constipation Treatment: Bowel Maintenance
Nutrition in Acute Phase Constipation Management, Part 1
Nutrition in Acute Phase Constipation Management, Part 2: FAQ
The Toileting Journey
Routines & Goals: Toileting “Inchstones”
Using Data for Continence Success
The Toileting Toolbox
Beyond the Sticker Chart: Using Rewards to Teach Toileting
Practice Toilet Sits
Building a sitting schedule
Sensory Processing & Toileting
Breathing and Positioning for Toileting Success (Video Model)
How to talk to your child’s school team about incontinence
How to Taper Laxatives
Constipation Management with Food
Constipation Management with Supplements
What is Fiber?
Planning for Setbacks
Picky Eating & Continence Challenges, Part 1
Picky Eating & Continence Challenges, Part 2