What will we do in Group?

Each week, group will have a topic based on the content in our six-unit video series. Before group each week, we ask that parents watch the video content and do any associated “homework”. Parents should expect to do up to 45 minutes of video watching and other assignments each week to get the most out of group. Our Zoom meeting is a time to discuss your questions, concerns, and progress.

Can I attend some group sessions and not others?

We ask that parents only join group if they plan to attend all sessions. The content of our group builds from week to week, and parents’ sense of safety and privacy is strongest when they know who else will be present. We understand that things come up in life, but parents who routinely miss sessions may be asked to step out of group.

I am a teacher/school nurse/mental health/medical provider/etc. Can I join the group?

This group is only for parents and guardians. If you are looking for support or information, please check out our other resources and support options.

I am a parent of a child with a complex disability and/or medical presentation. Should I join this group?

The content and sequence of this group is most appropriate for children who are typically developing or who is disabilities are mild. If you have a child with a more complex medical or developmental presentation, please discuss training or team consultation options with your child’s support team.