Core Vocabulary

video screen with question on the left side over the word "yes" and on the right a student in wheelchair with his arms raised and smiling towards the camera

Supporting Individual Access to the Universal Core Facilitated Materials

by Center for Literacy and Disability Studies, Department of Health Sciences, UNC-Chapel Hill

Universal Core Module.

This module is part of a group and emphasizes the importance of individual core vocabulary systems and gives guidance for determining the format of the display. Facilitator guides and full documentation of the trainings make them perfect for professional development of instructional assistants or others working with these students.

text with types of videos shown each day, a white woman with glasses and medium dark hair smiling, and a set of electronic devices of colorful symbol grid displays

Speech Without Limits YouTube Channel

by Jeanna Antrim

YouTube Channel

The Speech without Limits YouTube channel is a great source for ideas about how to use target core vocabulary across the day. Each video is short (about 2 minutes) and focuses on a single core word. You’ll see examples of activities and hear how you can word things differently to incorporate the use of the target word more often..

Handout with short sections of text and bold headings; hyperlinks visible within text; and a science lesson chart about plants show example of activities

School Year of Core

by PRC Language Lab

The series has two levels of monthly vocabulary words along with a comprehensive set of ideas, resources, and materials.  


School Year of Core Older Student Lessons

by PrAACtical AAC Blog

The series has two levels of monthly vocabulary words along with a comprehensive set of ideas, resources, and materials.  These materials are specifically appropriate for older learners of all abilities.


Vocabulary Planners