The purpose of the DNP Project is to develop and implement an evidence-based digital toolkit that will provide education and resources to increase Vermont school nurses’ awareness and knowledge regarding the identification and treatment of incontinence and functional constipation (FC) in school-aged children.

First, please view this playlist of videos:

If you would like to access the four videos individually, please watch them in this order:

  1. An Introduction to Managing Incontinence in the School Setting
  2. Medical Treatment for Functional Constipation: a School Nurse Perspective
  3. Accommodations and Supports for Functional Constipation in the School Setting
  4. Addressing Incontinence for Children with Special Needs: A School Nurse Perspective

After you have viewed the above videos, you should have a solid foundation of knowledge regarding incontinence and functional constipation (FC) in the school aged child. The following resources are provided to help you communicate with parents, healthcare providers, and school personnel to develop an effective plan of care collaboratively:

Every 2 weeks, you will receive a short survey asking how many times you have used these resources and whether you have referred any children to their healthcare provider to investigate the possibility of Functional Constipation. You also can provide feedback about these resources and give suggestions for any additional information that would be helpful for you. 

If you have any questions concerning the project, the Project Leader (PL) may be reached at