Toolkit for School Nurses in the Management of Incontinence and Functional Constipation and Incontinence
School nurses are on the front lines of detecting and treating health issues for children across Vermont.
This toolkit provides resources and strategies for school nurses to support better health outcomes for school age children experiencing incontinence, with a focus on functional constipation.
This toolkit was first created as a doctoral project by Kelly Savitri, BSN, RN. It was implemented in the fall of 2024, and winter of 2025.
First, please view this playlist of videos:
If you would like to view the transcript for each video, please access them through the links below:
After you have viewed the above videos, you should have a solid foundation of knowledge regarding incontinence and functional constipation (FC) in the school-aged child. The following resources are provided to help you communicate with parents, healthcare providers, and school personnel to develop an effective plan of care collaboratively: